Monday, September 12, 2011

Dear Diary...

During this post-adolescent, pre-adult stage I'm stuck in, I find myself constantly searching for something to hold on to (shout out to Jay Electronica), struggling to understand what I want to be and what I'm capable of accomplishing.  I fight conflicting emotions, debating whether I should maintain a moralistic façade or shed it in order to attain a deeper understanding of myself.

When someone close told me my last post was crude and unrepresentative of me, I took a step back (hence my hiatus), wondering whether I should consider going a different direction or just end this venture altogether.  After a couple of re-reads and consulting with friends and family further, I realized there was a reason for what I posted (crude or not), and that the people who judge me strictly from a satirical blog post aren't worth my time anyway--even if those people are my future employers (yikes).

I know who I am despite not knowing who I am going to be.  Although I don't have most things figured out, I'm working on it.   If I piss a few people off along the way, so be it.  Life is about more than always being politically correct--or politically incorrect, for that matter.  It's about balance, something I really need to work on.

With that being said, I'm going to try to maintain balance with my posts in both frequency and subject matter.  Hopefully you'll learn a little bit more about me (the light and dark sides), but most importantly, I hope you're entertained.  I'll step off my soapbox now and let you know that in the coming days I will be bashing Tyler Bray, reviewing the first week of fantasy football, and finally delving into the BCS project I've been neglecting.

Let 'em know!

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